Although Doctor Who was on when Ian was a kid in the
eighties, he doesn't remember watching it that much (he does however clearly
remember the image of the 6th Doctor running through a forest). It wasn't until
an ex boyfriend of his reintroduced it to him back in 2002 that Ian realised
his love for The Doctor. It was Big Finish that ended up bringing him in to the
Ian also has a love for a most things sci-fi &
fantasy. He even does another podcast, a Baylon 5 introcast. You can find that
show at He can also be
found on twitter as @IZathrus. Oh and he's also a 34 year old gay guy
who’s slightly disabled.

Jessica is a cis fem pansexual from Rhode Island USA. She was prodded into New Who fandom by the internet, till one day she couldn’t take the 10/Yoda meme any longer and dove in head first, just before season 5 started. 9 is her first, but 11 is her Doctor.
Listening to podcasts has been her biggest source of Classic Who canon, although she has gotten around to a watching a few stories, and no complaints (yet!).
Jessica is also a mom, works as a full time Jane-of-all-Trades, and is currently catching up on the GoT books. Another thing the internet poked her into. You can find her on twitter @ranouttacake
Josh is a bisexual/pansexual transman, originally from Yorkshire, England. He's been watching Doctor Who since he was a baby, thanks to his mother being a lifelong fan, but his earliest clear memories were of the 5th Doctor.
Despite always being an avid viewer and fan, he didn't really get into Who fandom until around 2008. Before that he'd been busy having fun in other fandoms, like Buffy and Tolkien. He loves many BBC radio comedies, old and new, which is what helped him to stumble onto Big Finish, and has just started delving into Doctor Who books.
He also enjoys astrophysics, rock music, and listening to every film/tv commentary track he possibly can (including podcast commentaries of course). You can find him on twitter @ThereIsGreenSky
Josh is a bisexual/pansexual transman, originally from Yorkshire, England. He's been watching Doctor Who since he was a baby, thanks to his mother being a lifelong fan, but his earliest clear memories were of the 5th Doctor.
Despite always being an avid viewer and fan, he didn't really get into Who fandom until around 2008. Before that he'd been busy having fun in other fandoms, like Buffy and Tolkien. He loves many BBC radio comedies, old and new, which is what helped him to stumble onto Big Finish, and has just started delving into Doctor Who books.
He also enjoys astrophysics, rock music, and listening to every film/tv commentary track he possibly can (including podcast commentaries of course). You can find him on twitter @ThereIsGreenSky
Mikayla is a non-binary aromantic asexual from Ontario, Canada. They were introduced to Doctor Who in 2007, when they started watching it out of self defence in their first year of university. Much to their surprise, they discovered that they actually liked the show everyone was talking about.
While they are primarily a new series fan, they are looking forward to (or dreading?) their introduction to more of classic Who.
Mikayla is an avid reader and knitter, and listens to far too many podcasts. They can be found on twitter @mikaylamic
Stephen Birkett is a gay man from Blackpool, England. He taught Biology in Strabane, a border town in Northern Ireland for forty years and is now retired there. At the age of 12 he saw the very first episode of Doctor Who in November 1963 and was immediately hooked.
He is impressed by New Who but has nostalgic love for Classic Who as well. He also subscribes to Big Finish which, to his delight, keeps producing new Classic Who stories.
Stephen has been active in Gay Rights in Northern Ireland since the 1970s. He has written a series of novels about gay life in Northern Ireland since the ‘70s two of which are published. He is also a tram enthusiast. He collects and makes model trams and travels the world to see them. Stephen loves wildlife and nature and enjoys birdwatching, especially in the tropics. He can be found on Twitter @UlsterAlien